Before I start the review, I would just like to say that I have so much respect for the three Americans who actually did this, and the fourth British man that helped. They truly helped avoid a tragedy, and truly were heroes in a time of crisis. That said, let's get the review started. Throughout my years as a film critic, I have seen all kinds of film flaws. Common flaws include: bad acting, lack of depth, poor character development, and so on. But, there is a huge flaw with Clint Eastwood's film The 15:17 To Paris, a flaw so unusual and extremely rare. The whole film, from beginning to end, feels so unbelievably forced, in every aspect of the film. It's hard to explain, unless you see it for yourself, but I am going to try my best to recount the mess that I experienced, and how it went so wrong in such a quick time. The one amazing thing was that Eastwood managed to get the real heroes, and place them into the story; that is truly incredible. But, in my opinion, that holds the film back even more, and here's why. The fact that three people, who cannot act in any way at all, are placed into a serious movie just doesn't work. It's like a room that all has the same color furniture, and then you buy a completely different color chair for the room. It just feels off, and that is just how the movie felt. It felt like I was being forced to watch this terrible acting in a serious movie, which is just wrong. And the script didn't help the matter, either. Instead, the script just added to the horror, and by hearing the words that were coming out of these people's mouths, the script was written worse than a Fifty Shades movie, which is saying a lot, since I could write a better script than those writers. But, the dialogue and acting aren't the only aspect of the film that are forced. The themes of the film are just dropped into the film, and are so obvious, given the fact that they are repeated aloud throughout every two minutes of the film. We get it, these people were just ordinary-joes, but do we really need to see their childhoods to understand that? No, we do not. Faith and destiny are important, but we don't a line referencing the two every two seconds, yet they give it to us. What I am trying to say is, for the few minutes of action that occurs in the film, there is a sure lot of unnecessary backstory, including so many extra scenes that add absolutely nothing to the story. Basically, the five minutes of the actual event don't make up for the 85 minutes leading to the event that are plain irrelevant. While what these people did was truly amazing, and a honor to this country, and the country of France, it seems as if they were honored in the worst way possible, with a film that just feels forced and unnecessary from minute one to the end credits.