I was completely surprised when I woke up to find out that only 56% of fans liked the newest installment of the Star Wars franchise; The Last Jedi. The film was scoring amazing with critics (93%), and looked like it presented a solid, entertaining, plot based on the trailers. So, where did it go wrong with fans? To my surprise even more, the fan reviews were insanely harsh, giving the film 2's and 3's out of 10 and ridiculing the film for every detail where it messed up. So, walking into The Last Jedi, I didn't know what to expect, as the fans and critics posed such opposite views about the film. But, to my pleasant surprise, Star Wars: The Last Jedi was not only full of striking and beautiful visuals, but full of entertaining moments, constant action, many plot twists, and many 'Star Wars' moments to remember. And, every minute of it was amazing. The film picks up right where The Force Awakens left off, with Rey meeting Luke Skywalker for the first time. Upon meeting, Skywalker trains Rey to learn how to control the force. Meanwhile, the First Order is preparing to destroy the rebellion for everything it stands for. Together, these plots make up most of the movie, and although the plots seem simple and straight-forward, they intertwine with each other, and by a certain point in the movie, they collide. And when they do, the outtake is just amazing. As I read the fan reviews for The Last Jedi, a lot of the hate was dedicated to the fact that the plot was too shallow, filled with useless comedy, and little character development. An important thing to know is that J.J. Abrams left the story in a hard spot to pick up with, a spot that destined for a boring amount of exposition that takes up loads of time. But, director Rian Johnson manages to start the film with just as much energy as The Force Awakens left off with. The film starts fast-paced, and continues at that same pace from the opening monologue to the end credits. The Last Jedi is 153 minutes long, and you can barely tell. At one point in the film, everything takes off at-once, and the film becomes filled with crazy plot twists, all hitting the audience at rapid speed, and not once slowing down. The film manages to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, shocked at every moment, and constantly amazed. And all of this is amazing without the spectacular visuals. Johnson's visuals are extremely better than Abram's in The Force Awakens, and create more awe-inspiring moments and epic scenes within the movie. Overall, The Last Jedi was an amazing way to continue the saga and story that J.J. Abrams left off, and is a Star Wars film to remember. The Last Jedi is a beauty.