2022 was a great year for film. Here's a list of our favorites.
Season Four, Episode Nine of Kaveh J.'s Screening Room is available to stream on podcast platforms right now, including but not limited to: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. Check out the episode summary below (click the title of the episode to get to the podcast's Anchor Page, where you can stream the episode directly or quick-click to your preferred podcast listening service).
The 'Avatar: The Way of Water' Discussion. Plus: The Best Films of 2022 - In one of the biggest episodes of the series' history, host Kaveh Jalinous is joined by special guest Cortlyn Kelly for two tasks. Firstly, the two discuss and debate James Cameron's long-awaited 'Avatar: The Way of Water,' the 13-year-awaited sequel to 'Avatar,' the highest grossing film of all-time. Then, the two pivot into talking about their favorite films of 2022, mentioning everything from horror-comedy-action blockbusters to films about donkeys. The episode also includes a long discussion about their (unexpectedly) mutual favorite film of the year. Host: Kaveh Jalinous. Special Guest: Cortlyn Kelly.
Image Film Credit: The Fabelmans (2022)
Image Credit: The New Yorker